
Friday, May 1, 2015

30 in 30: A Long Overdue Update

Blogging. Oh boy have I not kept up with this guy... but the best way to get back on it is to give an update. So the best way to kick off the updates on my life and travels from the last two years is to give an update on that 30 in 30 checklist of all the things I wanted to accomplish in my 30th year. Some I did, some I did not. Here goes my accomplishments and failures. (New notes written in italics, and text in pink means links.)

  1. Become a Runner (FAIL: But this week I have ran three times, so I'm still trying)
    • Not a May-to-October Runner
    • Run at least one 10K and five 5Ks
      • Panther Run: 10/5/13
  2. Touch my Toes (Fail: I spent July doing yoga and dropped off pretty much)
    • Yes, that is correct. I can not and have not been able to touch my toes my entire life
    • Attend twice-a-month yoga and twice-a-month barre classes
  3. Eat More Whole Foods (Success: I only purchased 10 items the whole year that were not whole foods. I have been pretty diligent about this in the almost two years since I turned 30. My biggest downfall: Croutons.)
    • Limit grocery store food purchases to food with less than 5 ingredients (most of the time. Follow the 90%:10% rule)
  4. Limit Meals out to Four Times per Week (I'm just going to say fail)
    • Not gonna lie, I'm leery of this one
  5. No Purchasing of Shredded Cheese (Success. I still have not purchases pre-shredded cheese for my own consumption. I have for dishes I have made for events.)
    • It goes with number 3... just more specific
  6. Prevent Skin Cancer (Success: I am a sunblock crazy person now. Always in my purse and always offering it to people much less fair skinned than myself and laughing when they decline and get burnt.)
    • I spent my first (almost) 30 years avoiding this. It's time for sunblock, sunblock, sunblock
  7. Continue Not Washing My Hair (Pretty much successful. I do actually wash my hair with manufactured shampoo and conditioner more than I did in my 30th year, but I buy product that is free of everthing.)
    • I'll explain later
  8. Bi-Monthly Massage (at least) (Fail. I have had four massages in 1.5 years.)
    • What? It's totally doctor prescribed
  9. Visit Nisch and Natalie in NYC. Like for real. (Partial success. Shortly after this blog, my old roomie Natalie invited met to her wedding in New Orleans, so I chose to do that instead and my friend Nisch moved to Nashville, so it was obsolete.)
  10. Get Scuba Certified (Fail: Still on the bucket list.)
  11. Go on a Weekend Roadtrip with the Girls (Done. But I don't really remember where. But we have another one scheduled to a concert in Arkansas this summer, so double success.)
  12. Go Hiking at Whitaker Point (Fail).
  13. Buy a Big Girl Dresser (Success: And I still love it so much. And now Target of course has a knock off of my original thrift store find.)
    • I've been living in crates like a college-kid for my entire adult life. It's time to quit buying clothes and finally buy something to put them in.
  14. Weed it Out (Fail.)
    • Take care of my lawn and get those darn weeds (and poison) out. Sadly, I'm willing to kill it all. Muhahahaha.
  15. Seal Leak in Basement (Fail.)
  16. Get a Bookshelf. (Success: Sorry, no pics.)
  17. Finish Bedroom Basement (Fail.)
    • Paint
    • Bed frame
  18. Get Internet at my House (Success.)
    • Well, maybe not. I'm still toying with this one.
  19. Finish those Stupid Antlers AND Hang Them (Success.)
  20. Make a Tres Leche Cake for my Birthday (Success: And delicious.)
    • Okay, this is a bit of a cop out... but I need something to scratch off immediately!
  21. Go on a Game Show (Fail.)
  22. Perfect the Art of Making Plantains (Pretty much a success. I have gotten pretty good and found a place in STL that serves them perfectly.)
  23. Play an Entire Round of Golf (Fail: Didn't even attempt.)
  24. Print my Instagram Prints (So much success. Not only printed but put into #30 creative projects and made books and have kept on it.)
  25. Eat At... (this list could grow) (Success: Eating is not a problem.)
  26. Make (and stick to) a Monthly Budget (Ehhh....)
  27. $$$SAVE!$$$ (Success: I won't cross this off because it is ever growing, but I have a savings plan and have continued to grow my long-term savings even with trips.)
    • And not for trips! I need a new roof and a new car soon... but still put a little money away for Bali 2015 (No Bali, but I went to Thailand.)
  28. Decide on a Rotary Club (Done. I joined Downtown Rotary and have never looked back.)
  29. Decide on that Doctorate (Done. I'm not doing it. At least not now. I made a very resolute decision on not acting on the opportunity to apply and am happy with my decision.)
  30. Be More Creative (I'm going part way on this. I still think I can 'BE MORE.' I get in creative highs and lows. I did a whole lot with my house and decorating and projects. Maybe not one every month, but multiple times in one month.)
      • How? I don't know. But once a month, I will do something creative. Writing, painting, drawing, crafting, etc. Look out Pinterest! Here I come! Jay slash kay. I'm not joining Pinterest. (Oh, I joined Pinterest. Not impressed.)
So that is what I have for my 30 in 30.  I would say I accomplished 18 out of my 30 and have not given up on the rest. That's not too bad.

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