
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Teaching is Hard

Is it possible to be sad not to give finals? I had two great classes this semester and met some incredible people (as always). Snow days made finals difficult and I chose to give mine online. I am sad I didn't get to give them a formal goodbye. 

Teaching is hard. Teaching adjunct takes a good 10-18 extra hours out of my week, every week. Trying to reach that student who is failing but you know is so intelligent seems impossible. Motivating the student who is blowing off class and missing assignments takes more patience than I thought I was capable. I want my students to not only know how to succeed in my class, but to learn how to work hard to succeed at life. I hope I serve them well and justify the dollars they spend on the course. 

No student wants to take Public Speaking. They all walk in with slumped shoulders and jittery hands. At the beginning of the semester I give an assignment that asks, 'What do you hope to get out of this class?' The responses are always to pass, to get out alive, or to not faint/cry/throw up. 

I received a few special emails this week from students letting me know they enjoyed my class, which is extra awesome since every email started with, 'I thought I would hate this class,' or 'This is the class I dreaded for four semesters.' 

The best part is that they ended with, 'I learned more in this class for the real world than any other gen ed class I have taken.' ... 'I have always talked in front of people, but now I know how to organize what I am trying to say.' ... 'I learned about myself and how my communication changes how others think of me'... And my fave, 'I got a raise just by knowing how to put my thoughts together to ask!'

Am I bragging? Heck yes. Not about me, but my class. I could go on and on about all I think my students will achieve. They are an incredible bunch of people. Get ready world, they are coming for you. 

And to my students: I hope the road always rises to meet you. Stay on course. 

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